Blending Joy and Imagination in
Ministry and Art



How did a kid with a theatre arts degree end up in ministry? I am glad you asked.

Raised in CA’s Central Valley, I attended church every Sunday. As a kid, and now, I ask lots of questions (the history and role of the church, faith, the nature of God…)

I became a pastor (PCUSA) to find answers, and yet, the more I study and draw closer to God, the more questions arise. My faith journey is not about answers, rather I live the questions.



After spending weeks in hospital waiting rooms during family health emergencies, I recognized my deeps sense of calm, presence, and care in these high stress environments. It was then I knew I needed to work in hospitals with patients and their families to alleviate stress and pain.

Mixing laughter, listening, rituals, and compassion, I provide hope and healing through human connection.



I am called to bring heaven to earth through laughter. As an actor, juggler, and clown I entertain audiences of all ages.

I live, breathe, and share the often forgotten Beatitude, “Blessed are we who can laugh at ourselves, for we shall never cease to be amused.”



My wife, Ashley Pogue, and I met creating art. Later, we studied together at San Francisco Theological Seminary and currently live in Marin County, CA. We enjoy gardening, hiking, cooking, and snuggling with our dog, Topa.


“Andrew’s commitment is an inspiration to us all, as are his sermons, exhibiting wisdom and profound thinking. We are excited to try following his example of being faithful, adaptive and hopeful.”

— Marian Hardin, Clerk of Session at Broadmoor Presbyterian Church